HIGHLIGHTS | Juventus vs. Servette FC — UEFA Women’s Champions League 2021-2022

December 16, 2021 – Juventus vs. Servette FC | UEFA Women’s Champions League Group Stage Matchday 6

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25 respuestas a HIGHLIGHTS | Juventus vs. Servette FC — UEFA Women’s Champions League 2021-2022

  1. Le deuxième pénalty est une erreur.

  2. Vicity4 dijo:

    That wasn't a penalty. Wrong decision there

  3. Inintéressant il y a trop d’écart entre les équipes et beaucoup trop d’erreurs de placement et d’arbitrage

  4. Congrats to Juve. What I like is how they play their home games in a proper stadium, not those suburban ones with poor lighting and a shabby TV picture filmed from nearly the pitch level (like Arsenal and Chelsea, to name just a few). Pleasure to watch and I'm sure pleasure for the players to perform in such a setting as well. This does look like the Champions League ?

  5. juventus also steals in women's football.incredible

  6. They played well as a team..

  7. Eric dijo:

    What beauty in the Juventus team!?

    Girelli and Hurtig so scandalous!

  8. Nate Drake dijo:

    the beginning of a new cycle where Juventus Womens will be alway on the top 8 UEFA's best team.

  9. eric tetteh dijo:

    Not surprised that Wolfsburg and Juventus qualified at the expense of my team Chelsea. Chelsea struggled to beat Servette 1-0 in their last meeting. Look how easily Juventus disposed of them. Congratulations, Juventus femine! I hope you make history this year.

  10. Diego Gatti dijo:

    Fatto triste, forse la più grande vittoria in Champions della Juve e lo stadio era semivuoto, però grandissime ragazze ??????

  11. Sue Felber dijo:

    EDOARDO Ciao?
    Ich bin SERVETTE-Fan?
    ( meine Nichte spielt dort
    ⚽️ ) doch ich gebe dir recht,
    Deine Frage ist berechtigt!?
    Es gäbe bestimmt talentiertere
    Torhüterinnen ?
    Tanti Saluti da ???

  12. Piero Burzio dijo:

    What a joy! For the first time in our history! Forza Ragazze! Forza Juve! ??

  13. Che dire. Semplicemente fantastiche le nostre ragazze.

  14. Peace Man dijo:

    Hurtig is nothing but class!

  15. litogor dijo:

    Well done, but the quarter-final will be very, very difficult, it will necessarily be against one of the 3 big favorites …. Lyon, PSG or Barça …?

  16. Ювентус лохня дырявая???

  17. Il portiere del servette gioca davvero in Champions?

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