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Archivo de la etiqueta: var
2 SENT OFF! 4-4!
Chelsea vs Ajax (Champions League 2019 Parody Goals Highlights 2 Red Cards)
Please note: these shit cartoons are not made for kids in anyway. They contain swearing, cartoon violence and non-children themes
Daley Blind and Veltman are sent off! VAR disallows the winner! CARNAGE!
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442oons Football Runner!
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Publicado en Noticias de Fútbol
Etiquetado 2019, 4-4, 4-4-2oons, 44200NS, 442oons, 44toons, ajax, animation, AZPILICUETA, blind, BPL, bt, card, cartoon, cartoons, champions, chelsea, comedy, daley, epl, football, footy, funny, games, goal, goals, highlights, league, lol, off, parody, premier, red, scores, sent, soccer, spoof, Sport, uefa, var, veltman, vs
40 comentarios
Keputusan wasit kontroversial Verona vs Juventus #verona #juventus #var #wasit #refree #antihero
Keputusan wasit kontroversial saat laga antara Verona vs Juventus. apóyanos
etiqueta; #wasit #refree #juventus #verona #var #antiherochallenge #antihero #keputusan #kontroversi #kontroversial #veronavsjuventus #cellini #redcard #wasitgood Camisetas ALEMANIA Accede a todas las noticias del fútbol Internacional. ¡Todo … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en Noticias de Camisetas Fútbol
Etiquetado Anti héroe, celini, Cellini de Pelanggaran, Desafío antihéroe, era polémico, hasil serie a, HasilLiga Italia, jadwal liga italia, Juventus, keputusan wasit polémico, klasmen liga italia, liga italia, penalti Juventus, var, verona, Verona vs Juventus, wasit Juve vs Verona
1 comentario
Juventus Inter 0-1 • Serie A 2022 Gol e Sintesi Juve Inter • All Goals & Highlights Lego Football
Juventus vs Inter 0-1 • Serie A TIM 2021/22 in Lego Football • parodia Sintesi e Gol del Derby d’Italia Juventus Inter in Lego Calcio • Brick recreation of Juventus 0x1 Inter Milan (03/04/2022) Serie A 2021-22 • All Goals … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en Noticias de Camisetas Fútbol
Etiquetado 0-1, 0x1, 2021, 2021/22, 2022, All goals, animation, bola, brick, calcio, film, football, fussball, Fútbol, FUTEBOL, goal, goals, gol, gol Calhanoglu, goles, hakan calhanoglu, highlights, Inter, Inter Juve, inter juventus, inter vs juventus, juve, juve inter, juve vs inter, Juventus, juventus inter, Juventus vs Inter, lego, Lego Animation, lego calcio, lego football, lego fútbol, MFGB, parody, penalty, rigore Calhanoglu, Serie A, serie a tim, sintesi, soccer, stadium, Stop Motion, var
14 comentarios