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Archivo de la etiqueta: sterling
Manchester City VS Chelsea VS Juventus VS PSG 💥 ULTRA VS 🔥💪
In this video, I compared the teams of Manchester City VS Chelsea VS Juventus VS PSG. Hello Football Fans. I make football vs, VS football and football comparison videos. Subscribe to my channel and don’t miss the videos: Football player … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en Noticias de Fútbol
Etiquetado chelsea vs, chelsea vs manchester city, comparison football, football comparison, football data, football highlights, football player comparison, football statistics, football versus, football videos, football vs, footballversushd, Haaland, Juventus, Manchester City, manchester city vs, Mbappe, messi, Paris saint Germain, psg, psg vs, psg vs chelsea, psg vs manchester city, soccer vs, sterling, versus football, vs football
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