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PES 2010 UEFA Champions League FC Barcelona vs FC Juventus Quarter finals
PES 2010 contains improved visuals, animations and moves, including live player expressions and movements that will change according to conditions on the field. Animations of dribbling and shots on goal, as well as individual skills, have all been reworked. Gameplay … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en Noticias de Camisetas Fútbol
Etiquetado arcade, campaign, custom, custom campaign, difficulty, easy difficulty, English, hard, hard difficulty, hive workshop, map, Mod, NETSHOW, netshowplays, normal difficulty, pes 10, pes 10 Champions League, pes 10 ucl, pes 10 Uefa Champions League, playthrough, single player, starcraft, UCL pes 10, UEFA Champions League, Video Scene, virtual master 2003, walkthrough
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PES 2010 UEFA Champions League FC Juventus vs FC Barcelona Quarter finals
PES 2010 contains improved visuals, animations and moves, including live player expressions and movements that will change according to conditions on the field. Animations of dribbling and shots on goal, as well as individual skills, have all been reworked. Gameplay … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en Noticias de Camisetas Fútbol
Etiquetado arcade, campaign, custom, custom campaign, difficulty, easy difficulty, English, hard, hard difficulty, hive workshop, map, Mod, NETSHOW, netshowplays, normal difficulty, pes 10, pes 10 Champions League, pes 10 ucl, pes 10 Uefa Champions League, playthrough, single player, starcraft, UCL pes 10, UEFA Champions League, Video Scene, virtual master 2003, walkthrough
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Whispered ASMR Facts – Juventus FC – ASMR in different languages ??????????????????????????
Hello! ? Ciao! Here is a video that has been highly requested. It is a whispered ASMR video on the mighty Juventus. I read out facts and history about this brilliant football club in different languages: English, Italian, Spanish, Welsh, … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en Noticias de Camisetas Fútbol
Etiquetado asmr, ASMR different languages, ASMR facts, ASMR football, ASMR football facts, ASMR in different languages, Cymraeg, different languages ASMR, español, facts, football, history, italian, Italiano, Juventus, languages, map, nederlands, Português, türçe, Turkish, русский
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