El delantero serbio anotó el único gol del juego contra Cagliari para asegurar la cuarta victoria de Juve en una fila | Serie A 2024/25 #highlights #HighLightsSeriea #cagliarijuve #seriea Este es el canal oficial para la Serie A, proporcionando lo más destacado, entrevistas, noticias y características para mantenerte al día con todas las cosas del fútbol italiano. ¡Suscríbete al canal aquí! Obtenga más información sobre la Serie A en: Questo è il Canale Ufficiale della Serie A, Dove Potrai Avere Accesso ai Momenti Salienti, Alle Interviste, Alle e Alle Funzionalità del Momento por Rimanere Aggiornato Sulle Ultime Novità del Camperato. Iscriviti qui al Canale! Según Maggiori Informazioni Sulla Serie A:
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Entradas recientes
- Juventus-Inter 1-0 | Lo más destacado | Ganador de las redes de conciencia en el Derby d'Italia | Serie A 2024/25
- Juventus-Empoli 3-5 (AP) | Lo más destacado | Empoli en semifinales! | COPPA Italia FRECCiarossa 2024/25
- Cagliari-Juventus 0-1 | Lo más destacado | Ganador de Vlahovic Scores en Sardinia | Serie A 2024/25
- Juventus-Aatalanta 0-4 | Destacados extendidos | Serie A 2024/25
- Juventus-Aatalanta 0-4 | Lo más destacado | La Dea Run Riot en Turín | Serie A 2024/25
Comentarios recientes
1:42 za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za oprav 2:19 2:19 danje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanja za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje
1:42 za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za opravdanje za 6
رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَيَّ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَوْمَ يَقُومُ الْحِسَابُ
If Dusan start more training with a ball and not with the girls …
If the teacher asks me to summarize this game in one sentence:
"Caprili with the big save."
I'm convinced a script is given to refs in all leagues to let them know whom they should favour. The "bosses" decide then the refs do everything in their power to honour it. Offsides. No-offsides. Fouls. No-fouls. Penalties. No-penalties. All of it.
Not just football – all major sports that involve referees.
Quelle erreur de yerry mina qui coûte cher à Cagliari, caprile un fait un gros match !! Bien joué la Juventus
It's a big joke ,,, the push clear

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Forza Juve

Traz esse cara não por favor! O Lyanco tá muito melhor.
What????!?? No Penalty???? This is not possible, if this is not penalty, I don't know what is… Clearly the referee was hoping for Cagliari to score and make it 1-1 draw, what a clown…
Vlahovic !!!
DV9 is always the best player
It was not a Yerry Mina mistake. He had to handle a bad back pass.
Caprille was great! Solid defense
what the f is wrong with these referees what a useless referee that
Bravo Vlahovic

I don't understand why some current strikeers nowadays needs to get too close to goal keeper before you take a shot ?
Vlahovic has the ability to shoot screamers he shouldn't be waiting until he reaches the goal keeper before he takes the shot
The more you run closer to the keeper the harder it becomes to beat them because they'll appear bigger and predict where you'll place the shot
Bravo Performance Juventus
. Phenomenal Vlahovic

it was dufficult if not impossible to see the penalty …so much fog…grass too high… dark glasses… black and blue lenses…
Well deserved win for Juventus.

. Vlahovic
El 1-4-5-1 es, en definitiva, una variante defensiva del 1-4-3-3. El primer uso real del 1-4-3-3 se produjo cuando los campeones del mundo de Brasil en 1958 convirtieron su sistema 1-4-2-4 en posesión del balón. A partir de entonces, los entrenadores empezaron a adoptar el 1-4-3-3 como forma de ataque preferida. Este 1-4-3-3 evolucionó en defensa, de modo que los extremos se rezagaron para formar un 1-4-1-4-1 sin posesión del balón. El 1-4-1-4-1 acabó presentando una línea de cinco más plana; el único pivote se desplazó hacia arriba para completar la formación 1-4-5-1.
Kenan yildiz

Despite to live a bad moment, Vlahovic has great qualities as a striker, he would play in every big clubs in the world. There are just 6 or 7 strikers better than him.
Goleiro do Cagliari fez boas defesas, evitando uma derrota por uma placar maior…
Beat all teams
Motta kenapa kemarin lawan PSV gak pakai trisula Vhalanovic+Yiliz+concesa
Yerry just reminded us he’s a mortal. He always carries the Cagliari on his shoulders but not last game. Yerry is a warrior and he never gives up so wait for his better ones. Forza Rossoblu, forza Casteddu!!!!