Fiorentina-Inter 3-0 | Lo más destacado | ¡Kean Brace en la impresionante Viola Win! | Serie A 2024/25

El partido reprogramado entre Fiorentina e interrogue un espectáculo brillante para la multitud local cuando Kean anotó dos veces después del primer partido de Ranieri para asegurar una victoria vital para Fiorentina | Serie A 2024/25 #highlights #HighLightsSeriea #fiorentinainter #Seriea Este es el canal oficial para la Serie A, proporcionando lo más destacado, entrevistas, noticias y características para mantenerte al día con todas las cosas del fútbol italiano. ¡Suscríbete al canal aquí! Obtenga más información sobre la Serie A en: Questo è il Canale Ufficiale della Serie A, Dove Potrai Avere Accesso ai Momenti Salienti, Alle Interviste, Alle e Alle Funzionalità del Momento por Rimanere Aggiornato Sulle Ultime Novità del Camperato. Iscriviti qui al Canale! Según Maggiori Informazioni Sulla Serie A:

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48 respuestas a Fiorentina-Inter 3-0 | Lo más destacado | ¡Kean Brace en la impresionante Viola Win! | Serie A 2024/25

  1. A team that conceded only one goal in eight games of the champions league,, conceding 3 at a time 😂😂😂this is why Iove football 😂

  2. He would've love to take off his jersey his 2nd goal but was already booked for the first celebration😂😂😂😂

  3. @GGYSH12 dijo:


  4. Juventus should really get Kean back.

  5. @Dean-vn8tn dijo:

    Serie A makes no sense

  6. 4 striker lawan 1 striker tetap kalah,
    S.inzaghi sepertinya ingin masuk jadi striker juga 😂

  7. That's insane
    Inter is on fire and this happens

  8. Commentary bro!!
    That's why he only has one goal for fiorentina😅

  9. Well deserved win for Fiorentina 🙏🙏🙏. Kean and De Gea Played Phenomenal Football ⚽️. ⚽️ is winning cause 👏 👌 🙌.

  10. Μπράβο στη Φιορεντίνα μεγάλη νίκη 🎉

  11. Napoli are given a second chance now after drawing with Roma to extend the gap between them and Inter.


  13. ليش تغير المعلق العربي

  14. @bmoanz dijo:

    Dodo might turn into prime Mike Tyson when he bumps into the commentator for that line at 0:41. 🤣

  15. @skarmale170 dijo:

    👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👏 👏 👏 Fiorentina…. Job well done!!!

  16. Does this defense train? They are so weak defending😝💔

  17. Milan smiling in the corner ❤❤

  18. kean removing the shirt was uncessary tbh🤣

  19. Why we need to have no kvalitet Player like Taremi at this big team , he can’t stop normal Ball 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽🤮🤮🤮

  20. @lairjmjcccb dijo:

    Moise we miss you in Turin 🤍🖤

  21. Que massacre da Viola. Podia ter sido 5.

  22. Inter udah loyo acerbi masih aja di pake bukan di buang beli baru

  23. The commentator already knows what is going to happen,hahaha.

  24. Kean est dans une autre dimension 🔥

  25. Интер забеременела от Фиорентина 😂

  26. So Man united worth billions is battling for relegation while de gea is going to CL thats KARMA

  27. Official Napoli champions le Seria a

  28. That's I was saying about having a game less
    We know the story we were there in 2021

  29. Um frango do goleiro e uma entregada do defendor da Inter, putz!!!

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