Kaká Seedorf Pirlo | AC Milan 3-1 Juventus | Full Match | 2005/06

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39 respuestas a Kaká Seedorf Pirlo | AC Milan 3-1 Juventus | Full Match | 2005/06

  1. Cn il Var Gattuso sarebbe stato fuori al 30esimo …però lo spettacolo era un'altra cosa a quei tempi.
    Che partita e che giocatori in campo….la tranquillità dei milanisti in campo , che sapevano di essere i numeri uno al mondo.
    Che giocatori…..

  2. @Aelmal dijo:

    10 mins in and this Milan has passed the ball forward more than an entire match of a Pioli era team. The mentality is a world away from now. So glad I was alive to have this as my era of Milan. Forza Milan

  3. @WizzyImz dijo:

    Youngers these days really think its just nostalgia that makes us say these were the best times. But look at the quality on show and the enjoyment it brings you from games at these times and i find it impossible to believe anyone can say that football is better now than it was then

  4. Metto il muto per non sentire Suma e faccio "Play".

  5. @w8t2009 dijo:

    Where was shevchenko?

  6. @aztekii2800 dijo:

    I love this 2005 milan kit

  7. 57.06 Momen bersejarah, Gattuso disemprot Maldini 😂

  8. Quanto agonismo. Pazzesco!

  9. Duel ancelotimelawansangmentorfabiocapelo

  10. Grown-up while Serie A was attractive in this era, makes me think there must be something wrong with Serie A nowadays.

  11. Back when you has Derby de italia wich was as good if not better than el classico. What happened?

  12. Rui Costa, Sheva, vierri for subs,, what a squad !

  13. @33shin33 dijo:

    1 minute into the game Pirlo has more forward passes than half of today's players' entire careers .

  14. Милан тарихында Индзаги үздік шабуылшы. Шабуылшыға қажет бар қасиет бойында үйлескен

  15. Emerson ne futbolist a karateis idi quləy

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  17. Che squadre e che giocatori.
    Però anche che caos in campo, oggi la tattica è su un altro livello.

  18. @abudamri692 dijo:

    Madini vs gatusi minit 49 50

  19. This is the greatest era of football the world has ever witnessed. I am grateful just to be alive during it.

  20. After watch this game, Made you understand, why 37 years old Maldini in 2005 until today he is the best defender all time.

  21. The strongest era of football ever.
    Both teams filled with legends.
    Nesta is a wall.

  22. @duke01261 dijo:

    No stupid Instagram kids on the pitch, only lions. Good times.

  23. @snuffly6492 dijo:

    Wait so Milan had Sheva, Bobo, Inzaghi and Crespo for strikers??! Team was stacked in every position. Great goals from Trezeguet and Kaka

  24. @imkuldeep dijo:

    When men used to play football, instead of Instagram models today…

  25. What a win. Kebabs tonight for sure ❤

  26. The expert defending all over the field is truly entertaining.

  27. @delkhairio dijo:

    This milan is the best. Don't know how they lost the champions league final.

  28. Kgn PDA masanya ini Kya kisah timnas indonesia saat ini. Mirip bgt caraain dan pelatih yg kalem do cold

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