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• Mister Allegri speaks before Inter – Juventus
• Djalo, Alacaraz called up – Chiesa & Rabiot back!
• Who starts between Chiesa & Yildiz?

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  1. @OmarSuud dijo:

    A star will announce his name at the grand stage Tomorrow. KENAN YILDIZ.

  2. "ucl qualification is there except if the world collapses" … don't be so sure Beppe, it collapsed last year

  3. hoping my luck from South Africa last night carries over to tonight!!!

  4. @varmooo dijo:

    Its the perfect excuse for Allegri. To avoid responsibility in case of a defeat. If Juve loses he can continue his little fairy tale story how we are built years to win the title forgetting that all these Inzaghi years we have sold key players every summer and replaced them with free transfers. To only talk about Champions qualification when you are 20pts over 5th place 😂, when you are the best paid coach( almost earning TWICE more than Inzaghi) 😂, to have 140M€ attackers ( factually spent money for Chiesa and Vlahovic) and 55M€ incoming future superstar from England 2nd league ( if the deal goes ahead) 😂

  5. Inshallah tomorrow we will win. DV9 or Chiesa will score the goal for us in second half

  6. Inter usually have a losing streak around Feb/March. Hoping it starts tomorrow.

    I miss the Scudetto so bad 😢

  7. Great one beppe, forza Juve!!!

  8. Tomorrow 3 points, FORZA JUVE 🤍🖤

  9. Imagine a last minute goal from Kostic with a bad shot, deflected and somehow entering 0-1

  10. Since 2 weeks I got the feeling that we will win 2:0 Vlahovic and Mckennie . DAI RAGAZZI FINOALLAFINE

  11. Inter Milan 1-2 juventus yildaz with the winning goal ⚽⚪⚫✅

  12. I’m fired up for this one Beppe. We NEED this win! Forza Juve. ❤

  13. I like your Energy Beppe, i can see your fire inside!
    We HAVE to win. No Loss. No Draw. Only a WIN counts tomorrow. Not only because of the race for the scudetto, but because we are Juventus!
    Vincere non e importante, e lunica cosa che conta!

    Lets beat them at their home! I feel like we could see a Corto muso masterclass tomorrow. 0-1 Vlahovic.


  14. We have had so many chances when we could have gain an upper hand on inter and put some pressure on them but everytime we have failed to do so with the way inter are we can get battered but on the contrary we can also batter them but i for one am not so confident, if we don't score more than one goal we are in danger cause we know how the coach and team thinks score one goal and defend for life

  15. If we play with a three man attack I would go CRAZY!!!! Its what every juvenile wants to see

  16. since when winning against inter is miracle for juve it just everyday job for Juventus,,forza juveee

  17. @BTlovesJuve dijo:

    I don’t know how I could live without these post conference videos of yours 🤗 thank you, excellent work!

  18. Will alcatraz play tomorrow and djalo

  19. After seeing the video i pumped up more than ever 🤩🤍🖤
    Grande Beppinho.
    Dai Juveee! Fino Alla Fine! 🤍🖤

  20. @Dazziano9 dijo:

    I hope Allegri proves us wrong but never underestimate his ability to F things up with his overly cautious approach and subs coming on too late to make an impact.

  21. @Jj.1897 dijo:

    Grande Juve. I am pumped. I havent felt like this for a game since 2019. This will make or break the season. I feel like the tie against Empoli may have already done it for our chances buu if we win tomorrow, that may just kill Inter enough for them to cough up points where we would need to take advantage of. FORZA JUVE!!!

  22. @eaglet2000 dijo:

    I hope that a lot of Juventini including the ultras will be at Milano Stadium. We need to cover the host area. Our players need the 12th player. YOU AND ME. Tomorrow is our Champions League final.

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