Juventus’ most emphatic wins over AC Milan – 1997’s 6-1 rout at the San Siro. Juventus were on our way to lifting the Serie A title and it was a performance befitting of champions in Milan. Vladimir Jugović and Christian Vieri each scored two goals, with Zinedine Zidane and Nicola Amoruso also on the scoresheet.

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32 respuestas a AC MILAN 1-6 JUVENTUS Serie A 1997 GOALS & HIGHLIGHTS

  1. Juventus what a team that was but also look at the passing and the work rate their get together work together playing hard on the ball making good chances the players played the game like a battle and it was a great win for them AC apart from letting 6 in actually look good in this game and the goal was also superb i like italian football their had really good games

  2. AC Milan fans can relate to Man United fans when their had a 6-1 thrashing by their neighbours

  3. @tsoiboy4073 dijo:

    The talent on display here is off the charts.

  4. @Madiloque dijo:

    Maldini – Baresi like a merda 😂

  5. MAESTRO Arrigo Sacchi…1/6 1o set…🙈🙈😅😅😅😅

  6. Questa partita me la ricordo perché all' epoca avevo un ragazzo molto milanista e ho goduto tanto 🎉🎉🎉

  7. @bato5192 dijo:

    Back when players dis not care about looks, followers and money! Back when it was all about talent, class and passion!

  8. Quando esisteva il calcio

  9. @variosworld dijo:

    My favorite team ac Milan, I was 14 years… I remembre the match like now… I was verry sad😢😢

  10. This was football apex, an era thats never coming back ever again, all the serie a teams had greats players, fiorentina got relegated with one of the best pure strikers of all time, batistuta, udinese was able to sign a player like zico, juventus and milan offered the best performances in the world
    This era was way better than prime premier league by miles, an era where with money they can buy every single player but those players who become rich at a very young age dont feel they care that much about the teams results like fans do

  11. @KamalMaalim dijo:

    Karma arrigo sacchi was bad coach he hate baggio for nothing.

  12. @farnea11 dijo:

    Peruzzi che portiere che avevamo…altro che Buffon…cioè senza nulla togliere ma per me Buffon è stato per lunghi tratti della sua carriera estremamente sopravvalutato. Peruzzi per me è il miglior portiere mai visto in maglia Juve. Mi ricordo certi miracoli…ma sopratutto una concentrazione pazzesca.

  13. Che giocatori e che campionato la serie A di quei tempi! Nostalgia!

  14. 10:40 ironic zidane sub with the player who has almost same hairstyle

  15. @spiros1003 dijo:

    Il calcio della serie A negli anni '90 non si vedeva da nessuna parte……Ogni squadra aveva le sue stelle e c'erano tanti bravissimi ataccanti italiani……..

  16. Era Dream Teams Juventus 😍
    Banyak pemain bintang dan selalu melahirkan generasi2 emas.

  17. @nicra536 dijo:

    La migliore Juve di quegli anni, che poi gettò al vento una finale di Champions. Poteva essere un ciclo e invece fu capace di perdere 3 finali europee in 4 anni.

  18. @Umbe-fr8ku dijo:

    Già allora troppi stranieri…..

  19. Baresi was starting to show his age at this point

  20. Even the best players have to retire. Vieri retired Baresi. it was time

  21. baressi got outplayed by vieri 2 times he was at the end of carier

  22. @MuccaCorse dijo:

    I like to remember this match as the one that marked the end of Baresi's career and the beginning of Vieri's. A sort of passing of the baton between two greats of the Italian national team. At that moment Baresi represented not only Milan, not only the national team, but the best way of understanding the role of libero. There are a couple of actions in which Vieri drags him away and aims at the goal, an image that I consider ungenerous considering the career and successes of the immense Baresi, but at the same time a poignant, poetic and romantic image like football those times.

  23. @babbadore dijo:

    Lippi gave a lesson to Sacchi that day, and Sacchi is still crying. Sacchi was a genius, an innovator but at the end of 90's his ideas were all copied, updated and overcome,

  24. Era dimana talenta lokal Italia bagus2 beda dg sekarang 😂

  25. @Switchnerds dijo:

    Zidane clapping baresi and maldini

  26. E come l'anno scorso …

    Bbilanista pedi sempre o

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