Paulo Dybala reunites with his old Juve friends in the tunnel – Vlahovic Cuadrado Di Maria

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43 respuestas a Paulo Dybala reunites with his old Juve friends in the tunnel – Vlahovic Cuadrado Di Maria

  1. @mnwrlauma dijo:

    Him heart always for al yuvi

  2. Both Di Maria & Dybala are my favourite players 🇦🇷 I wouldnt know whos side to choose 😅

  3. Qué hermoso grupo ha formado Scaloni… ver a DiMaría y Dybala abrazandose es un momento puro de corazón…

  4. As a Juve fan, im thankful and rooting for dybala to do great things with roma

  5. A momenti piange di nuovo!!!….
    Ad ogni modo grazie per il passato alla Juventus!

  6. inside the pitch fight like gladiators. outside, the r brothers

  7. I wanted sharky to win
    Buh walahi filly got robbed😂

  8. @lizhu8427 dijo:

    BRO … just imagine , dybala , di maria , cuadrado , and more !

  9. That's why we love football! true passion ! Forza Juve ! Forza Italia, Viva Cristiano!

  10. Nuestra. Yoya!! Hermoso por fuera y por dentro. Uno de los grandes!! Que lindo que seas ARGENTINO!!!!

  11. I love seeing this! Players greeting each other kindly although they're playing against each other. Real men they are! 👏🏾

  12. Football is one family. The hate ends on the pitch

  13. Questo è il bello del calcio..

  14. o coração dele ainda é da Juve 🥺

  15. mourinho on the stairs watching

  16. What's with the gay music?

  17. Ronaldo made me a Dybala fan to this day

  18. It's too difficult to not want to see him in black and white.

  19. Roy Keane is annoyed to see this friendly tunnel moment.

  20. He is laughing at court decision to minus 15 juve point 🤣

  21. His heart still with juve

  22. @huehueszky dijo:

    Szczęsny & Nicola Good Poland Vibes 💚💛💙

  23. Patner dybala in juve out, higuain n cr 7..dybala miss juve..

  24. It's still strange to see Dybala not wearing a Juventus uniform

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