EA FC 24 | Career Mode | #75 | Coppa Italia Final v Juventus (Season Finale)

I swear I keep getting my seasons mixed up, this was actually our eighth year of the save not the seventh! Madness, what a journey it’s been, and we’re far from finished! Brand new season coming tomorrow morning. Much love guys! ❤️


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31 respuestas a EA FC 24 | Career Mode | #75 | Coppa Italia Final v Juventus (Season Finale)

  1. Brennan __ dijo:

    I saw you changed teams again I think it might be time for a whole new restart

  2. A Alex dijo:

    I would stay at Milan for one more season and try win champions leahue

  3. Henry Boyd dijo:

    If you do leave then You should sign duk. You brought long and cox to Milan so you need to give duk the spotlight

  4. Congrats docksy

    If you haven't in this episode (I'm half way through) would be nice to see Luton's team 2 years after you left!

    Big love

  5. Nobert Eghe dijo:

    Please do newcastle pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssseeeee

  6. Next season with Milan where the priority is to win a UCL and cementing yourself amongst the Milan great managers

  7. Love the series have watched religiously since day 1. The storyline could be you had a falling out with the owners, and you could come back and manage inter to get some revenge

  8. kid dijo:

    Why do you call him Coxsmith

  9. Yaya Tourè dijo:

    Surely Alfonso will grow even more if you change him to a winger.

  10. PrinceLied dijo:

    Curious to see the job offers you'll get.

  11. Go to Tottenham plz it would be class to see the lilywhites finally go for some glory🤍love the series

  12. Mate congrats 🎉 you completed the treble. To be franc the Champions League was lost in the first leg.

  13. Fresh dijo:

    Others have said it. If you give a player or two a $1 release clause you’ll get sacked. Then if you’re a 5 star team you will have offers from 3.5-4.5 star teams. If you take off make sure to achieve some objectives to get the rating up if you want to go to another giant club. I think it’s usually 8-9 games into a season you will start to see offers.

  14. Try to get sacked, with the release clause glitch, 1£ for any player. There will be job offers 👍

  15. Take care of yourself man thank you for the vids ❤

  16. Well done on winning the double with Milan Docks! It might be too late (maybe it's already recorded etc) but I hope you reconsider moving to a new club and take Milan to a Champions League title. Leao-Cox-Long ought to have the chance to become as acclaimed as Messi-Suarez-Neymar as legendary frontlines with a European title…

  17. Go back to Luton if I was u pal

  18. I would love for you to maybe go ahead and coach the big teams like Barcelona or Real Madrid or maybe even coach a National team

  19. Move back to england or go for a real madrid or barca job

  20. You have to give it one more season. Such a dominant team needs to win the CL to cement their status amongst the greats.

  21. Are you going to watch the England game on Monday?🤔

  22. SeDottore dijo:

    Give Docksy boy an Oscar

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