ESPN FC’s Julien Laurens joins Gab Marcotti on The Gab & Juls Show to explain why Cristiano Ronaldo is suing Juventus.
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"It seems to me that it must have been a gentlemen's agreement with Ronaldo nothing in writing. Rookie error." You said it perfectly! These athletes are on another level.
"""Not just him other former players Leo the heads at juv are very shady" I can't stop watching this video! It's addicting." The energy in this video is contagious. I'm hyped!" I can't stop watching this video! It's addicting.
""Not just him other former players Leo the heads at juv are very shady" I can't stop watching this video! It's addicting." I'm with you on that! I can't get enough of these highlights.
Juve seems like a club being run by the mafia…
""Not just him other former players Leo the heads at juv are very shady" I can't stop watching this video! It's addicting." The energy in this video is contagious. I'm hyped!
My boy is still rich that’s nothing to Ronaldo
"Not just him other former players Leo the heads at juv are very shady" I can't stop watching this video! It's addicting.
"As much as I consider Ronaldo to be a spoiled rich boy, in this case I'm on his side. The took a cut for future repayment. He deserves to be repaid." Absolutely! These athletes make it look effortless.
"Honestly as a messi fan idk why are ppl hating cr7. if he deserves the unpaid wages which he didnt get then he deserves to sue juvemtus coz he has the rights to do that no matter how rich u are u cant just let money go on waste like that." I wish I could've been there in person. The atmosphere must've been electric!
"Not just him other former players Leo the heads at juv are very shady" i agree with you friend
"Portugal should sure him for his world cup performances" Totally nailed it! Those skills are unmatched.
Do you fuxks wit R
grown folks arguing about another man's money. especially the broke haters

Juve very shady club
Greed. The guy is making billions in Saudi yet still greedy!
The Sui player is suiiiiiiii his former club
What is the Ronaldo hate channel saying now
It’s not good being juve legend at this time
Penaldo the biggest fraud in football history
Gab is bought and paid for , his mind is not his own
Deserves his unpaid wages.
Portugal should sure him for his world cup performances

Not just him other former players Leo the heads at juv are very shady

you mean during the plandemic
play it on 1.5 speed
A guy in the comments had it wrong! This is false! Neymar and Benzema aren't paid more than Ronaldo. Ronaldo is Saudi Ambassador.
Pendu things
Repeating Same News For Fuxking 3 Years What happened To Shame

I wanna know why Jules said his source confirmed that Pogba SAID he took testosterone. Apparently this was NEVER said. So why is Jules lying on his French compatriot? I believe that Jules saw it on twitter (as usual) believed it to be true… then wanted that clout to say he knows what's going on. So espn put out "Paul Pogba has admitted to taking testosterone sources have confirmed to Jules"
Ronaldo will literally do ANYTHING to get people talking about him lol
Its not anout the money, its the principle of it
Don't let this distract you from the fact that Harry Maguire has more World Cup knockout goals and assists than Ronaldo.
As much as I consider Ronaldo to be a spoiled rich boy, in this case I'm on his side. The took a cut for future repayment. He deserves to be repaid.
doesnt penaldo have 3 different criminal cases in 4 different countries already ? criminal D'Or
He doesn't have to score against them to siuuuuuu!!!
This is why serie a is trash and nobody cares. Italians are so corrupt.
Bruh I thought the video said Ronaldo to Juventus but then saw Ronaldo to sue not to

Honestly as a messi fan idk why are ppl hating cr7. if he deserves the unpaid wages which he didnt get then he deserves to sue juvemtus coz he has the rights to do that no matter how rich u are u cant just let money go on waste like that.
Don't blame Ronaldo

He has to make money for his family
Family man
Ronaldo is siuuuuuuuuuùuu Juventus?
Comment down what you guys think of the situation?
Did you expect it or are you surprised?