Cristiano Ronaldo could Sue Juventus for 19 Million | Juventus 15 points | Divyansh #shorts

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36 respuestas a Cristiano Ronaldo could Sue Juventus for 19 Million | Juventus 15 points | Divyansh #shorts

  1. Apurv Verma dijo:

    Nostalgia moment if CR does Sssiiiuuuueee Juv

  2. No Ronaldo will not (SUIII) THEM

  3. Yess Cristiano can Siiuuu…. them…🤩🤣🤣

  4. Wasif dijo:

    Ronaldo ko akdam siu kardana chahiya Juventus ko.

  5. Ronaldo ka time hi bura chal rha hai 😂
    jo aata hai Baja ke jaata hai 🤣

  6. vhuufccc dijo:

    tabhi bolu bc
    itna support q Kiya ja raha Instagram pe 😂

  7. kroosXModric dijo:

    Is that the reason they posting reel again and again in favor of cr7?

  8. Acha isliye juventus cr7 ko support kar raha hai jaha sarein uske against hatred de rahe hai

  9. Ronaldo be like: 200 million kama rha hai abb Tera bhai
    Vo 19 million baccho me baat lo

  10. Shubham Dey dijo:

    Sahi me, Ronaldo jidhar jata h udhar hi barbadi ka kaaran bnta h. Vlahovic Fiorentina se bahar aya CL khelne, matr group stage khelke Europa aur ab agla season CL bhi nasib nhi. Koi to kahi bahut khush ho rahe honge.

  11. Abe bsdke cristiano Ronaldo ke ilawaa kuch or bana divanshu kusre

  12. hi dijo:

    I guess that's why he wanted to leave Juve……

  13. Mena Nerazzurri can win title again

  14. Vivek Patel dijo:

    Ye log ese hi nahi super league ke support me hai.

  15. pratham dijo:

    Bro aap editing ke liye konsa software use karte ho?

  16. S.L dijo:

    Siuu karte sakte hai😂😂😂

  17. Acid dijo:

    Guys there is a difference between sue & suiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…

    Don't get confused… ;_;

  18. Aum Nair dijo:

    Last one inke to L lag gaye💀😂

  19. 19 million nothing for him😃😃😃😃😃😃

  20. Ronaldo to Juventus:

  21. Sahil Lohkna dijo:

    Cristiano Ronaldo ko salary Leni chhahiye

  22. Abe tu coach h ke football ka

  23. The way you say inka to L lag giya. Much funnier 😄😄😄😄😄

  24. StrokeVerse dijo:

    Bro maime apka discord server banaya hai

  25. Judge in court siuuuuuu…!!!!

  26. SHAMS JR dijo:

    Juventas want to your location 🙂💀😂

  27. 5588 GAMING dijo:

    Ronaldo's career changed after he joined Juventus 🙂

  28. Divyansh bhai padh bhi lo😅😅
    Btw you and yash are my fav 💓

  29. Jim dijo:

    Siiiiiiuuuuuuuuuu… Karo

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