Highlights: Juventus 3-1 Real Madrid | Ending the pre-season with a BIG win

The Juventus Summer Tour 2023 ends at the Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Florida. It closes with one of the most fascinating challenges imaginable: Juventus-Real Madrid. A full-blown luxury friendly and in the end Juve smiled. Kean opened the match after a minute and Weah, with his first goal for black and white, in the 20th minute, then Real tried to get back into the game with Vinicius Jr. before the break. The second half was more painful, but in the final Vlahović closed the score. 3-1 and the return to Italy becomes very sweet.

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35 respuestas a Highlights: Juventus 3-1 Real Madrid | Ending the pre-season with a BIG win

  1. Ma è stata ripresa con un iphone 5?

  2. Yumna dijo:

    I love Dusan I hope he stays

  3. What a team goal first one is

  4. danko_memero dijo:

    sarà anche solo un'amichevole ma resta una gran vittoria

  5. Juventus kalau mainnya tenang aja pasti bisa memang Besar siapapun lawannya. Cuma itu syaratnya "mainnya harus tenang" dan enjoy pertandingannya.

  6. Vi prego non scambiate Vlahovic per Lukaku 😭😭

  7. matti motti dijo:

    iiiiibraaahimovic zlaaaaataaaan

  8. Tasso dijo:

    Giocate di prima? non mi illudo…in fondo è solo calcio d'agosto.

  9. Lukaku viene a scaldare la panchina e a fare voodoo

  10. Primo goal c'era fuorigioco di Kean

  11. Juve's best game, i hope it will continue. Forza juve 🎉

  12. Reza dijo:

    Vlahovic 👍🏻 ; Lakaka 👎🏿

  13. Josu4k dijo:

    El mandril no gana ni al Juventus jajajajajajajajauaj😂

  14. Grandi ragazzi sempre forza Juve 💗💘💘💪💪💪

  15. ippaul dijo:

    È una grand Juve. La cura Allegri sta facendo effetto. Quest'anno c'è una squadra molto più consapevole dei propri mezzi .
    Bellissimo ik ritorno al gol di Ken e bella la sua esultanza all'insegna della naturalezza.
    E poi sul finire immancabile il gil di re Dusan. Un cecchino quando si trova all'interno dell'area piccola.

  16. Please don't change with lukaku

  17. Danny dijo:

    Chiesa’s passes, wow!

  18. Kata dijo:

    hey ! Juve fans I wanna ask are your really wanting to replace vlahovic with Lakaka !!! I have a strict opinion about lakaka !!! he cant play football in my opinion valhovic is so much better … just a question !!! best of luck in the new season !!! forza juve

  19. S Butenko dijo:

    maybe Lunin is to blame for the 3 missed goals.

  20. Nice one keeping it up, don't sell vlahovic

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