Chelsea vs. Juventus — Partido completo de la UEFA Women’s Champions League | 8 de diciembre de 2021 Suscríbete a DAZN
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Comentarios recientes
J'ai pas compris pourquoi chelsea est éliminé au profit de la Juve!?
1:45:40 2:01:20
Thank you for uploading
Nice drama in second half
At 26 minute the Juventus goalkepper make a Majestic defense, She attack the ball by trying to grab her, instead of lock like a mumy and Stay still waiting for the ball. That's a goalkepper, Magnin , and She saved juventus on This match.

Wooo that was so intense!
87:22 momento dónde Sam kerr empuja al aficionado
Frustrating to see Chelsea have so much possession but fail to put the ball at the back of the net. Even more frustrating was the sight of that Neanderthal invading the pitch. Best moment of the match was the look on the Juventus player when Sam Kerr deliberately barged into her at 3.37 of extra time;-)
Poor camera angle
Grande juve…
Why do they never bring Fleming out in the first??
The camera didn't show the Sam Kerr incident that should of not been a yellow card so here you go thank me later
1:52:34 Pitch invader Incident
vc tem no time uma P. Harder abrindo espaços e ninguém passa a bola pra ela ou pelo menos, ocupa os espaços que ela cria. Pelo amor de Zeus!! E como perde gol o Chelsea, mamãe!!
Juventus cochinas. They were lucky today, Joe shouldn’t rely on luck. Great teams don’t win championships on sheer luck. Servette will put them in their place (3rd) where they belong
Camera person couldn't get kerr dropping that bloke.
I’m convinced this referee didn’t know what she was doing
Kristie at 2.17