La Juventus es el club más grande, rico y exitoso del fútbol italiano, pero actualmente ocupa el décimo lugar en la Serie A, después de que la FIGC, la Federación de Fútbol de Italia, le haya descontado 15 puntos. Es el último de una serie de contratiempos para la Juventus y la Serie A, y se produce menos de 17 años después de que el club descendiera a la Serie B tras el escándalo del Calciopoli. Entonces, en este documental, HITC Sevens echa un vistazo a la crisis actual en la Juventus, cómo llegamos a este punto y por qué esto no puede ser el final de todo.
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Yeah so quick story. I am an American trying to get into world football, and had a hard time connecting with any premier league teams, so then I thought "oh my ancestors came from a place within Turin, I should support one of those teams" I had two options… this shit is making Torino look rather nice right now.
i don't get how Italian football never seems to learn from it's past mistaes. if you don't do things correctly, you get found out, get punished, and then struggle. all this ever does is damage Italian football even further, for what was once the best league in the world it's such a sorry mess nowadays
Crime. That's what's going on. Lol
You could change Juve for Man City and this video would be exactly the same.
If they keep signing average players all over the places, within 3 years juventus will become the level of genoa, lecce, parma, sampdoria. Teams that will never compete top places. The players are shit.
The italian league was boring football combined with the best players. Now the premier league is the is fast football combined with the best players plus english players. If we ever want to get the old football back we should have a max of 3 foreign players per team again. Now a lot of players that could be a star are sitting on the bench at a topclub.
They've just had a 10 point deduction, and yesterday lost 4-1 to Empoli.
Juventus got the 15 points back and they sit 2nd in Seie A. But it's not over yet. They may end up in 2nd division….
Bit harsh on the league yeah 2003 was an all Italy final but Ac Milan in 2005 and 2007 that’s 3 from 5 finals then 2010 inter and juventus making a few finals only England and Spain can really boast a better record
Italy is just the most corrupt part of Europe.
Now they got the points back, no surprise there… Maybe losing them again?
Allegri is just so infuriating
this is not only a juve issue. juve is the only one getting punished because of internal regional politic reasons inside italy. if other countries, especially
england, would proceed with the same level of investigations as juve is facing, there would be a whole lot of other teams facing trouble.
it's always funny to hear epl would be the best league in the world, yet their international performance is not at all close to what they are shouting.
what a bunch of clowns. Real Madrid is going to teach you again this yearm which league is the best in the world.
Money corrupts all it touches and I detest the way people like the absolute scum bastards who have bought teams like Newcastle and PSG.
I dont mind, they deserve that shit. Serie A has Lazio and Lazio fans are one of the most racist fanbases in Europe and Serie A cant do shit bout it.
It is not what's going on at Juventus BUT what's going on with the corruption within the FIGC and UEFA.
What is happen are the eye of the Italian league in Juventus . Everyone used to do same Ty pe of transfer player but it need to be punished just Juventus . Informed yourself better and don’t read just the title of the newspaper =rubbish like gazzetta dello sport and company . After 2006 it was proved everyone did same action like Juventus but nobody’s it is interested in update if trial . Who ruins the Italian league is corrupted and friends ofNapoli owner and Lazio owner . Keep informed and do t be shipped by media
Transfer deals? Weren't they docked 15 points officially for cooking the books?
Fabulous news.
STOP GIVING A FUCK about this fucking team ffs stop. I've told this a million times this is a corrupt team and focus on other Italian teams like Napoli or Milan. Juve is not even a European power house how many ucl they got?
Those 2 Mexicans that W.Ham Signed look alike those 2 Cuban/American Menedez bros that whacked their parents for money
How could you look at the Ferrari season and say that arrivabene is a good appointment lmao ? Not to mention cars and players are different .
Beat stripped football kits video
Again I’ll say it. How about an Albert johanneson video. A sad football story
The problem with these videos is they're a blizzard of disparate information, without establishing anything about what the rules are. To make sense of it requires multiple viewings and rewinding, along with independent research into what the actual financial rules are for football clubs. There's no pause to let information sink in, before another flurry of names and numbers. All delivered in an incessant, relentless monotonic voice. Having watched the Juve video and the Man City one, I'm really not a lot wiser as to precisely what they've done wrong. It's all dodgy accounting, but without understanding the actual rules, it's hard to know how dodgy. How about a comparison with other clubs who do the right thing, and then show why City or Juve are different. For all we know they might all be at it.
As a kid I used to watch Serie A on a Sunday morning, 'goal Lazio' will be stuck in my head until the day I die. It's sad to see how the Italian league has dropped in prominence.
Italian football scandal equals World Cup or Euro's win. Seems to be the tradition anyway. Get down the bookies lads.
Bro, it'Juve. Cheating is in their DNA. That's why when you shake hands with a juventino you count your fingers afterwards.
Do you get less adrevenue if I set you on 1.5x?
That's the price of their greed. It all went to shit when they brought CR7. Don't get me wrong, I actually love CR7 and think he is the best player of our time, but he simply didn't fit there.
They already had Mandžukić, whom the fans adored and who would have given them his 200% at the time, considering he retired from the national team.
24:51 João Cancelo from Manchester City to FC Bayern Munich after falling out and the news about Man City FFP breach. Now it makes even more sense after watching this video.
Italian football isn’t popular anymore and they can’t compete with the wages offered by the premier league clubs. I’m sure it’s something along the lines off Italian clubs don’t accept foreign investors or something and the fact the clubs don’t actually own there stadiums or something but I know they don’t produce as much money anymore. 90s Italian League was the best used to watch it on channel 4 on a Sunday morning.
Looks like Alfie might be making one of these for man city soon