DESTACADOS | Juventus vs. Chelsea — Liga de Campeones Femenina de la UEFA 2021-22

13 de octubre de 2021: Juventus vs. Chelsea | Fase de grupos de la UEFA Women’s Champions League Jornada 2 Suscríbete a DAZN 👉 Suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube 👉 Sigue nuestros canales sociales 👇 Instagram:

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29 respuestas a DESTACADOS | Juventus vs. Chelsea — Liga de Campeones Femenina de la UEFA 2021-22

  1. Lee Oriver dijo:

    Send me any amount of money to my bank account and I will return you 4 times the amount back. H7j

  2. ผูเล่นน่าเอามาก ่ะครัาบผม

  3. Bị nghiện bài này từ thời Bảo Thy, ko ngờ lại có ngày được nghe idol mới trong lòng mình Đức Phúc cover lại. Cảm ơn em ĐP vì đã cover lại lắng đọng cảm xúc như vậy

  4. Is it me or all Chelsea ladies team players with numbers corresponding to mens team play like them watch out number 22!

  5. Cabelo1989 dijo:

    Até agora pelos jogos que vi… Corinthians tem time pra jogar com todos os times europeus que vi sem grande diferença tecnica

  6. Katie dijo:

    Love this match so much

  7. English are so boring to call the gols

  8. When Juventus lose I am always happy

  9. @Sohtun@22 dijo:

    I'm here for Kerr smile 😍😍😍

  10. Permainan yang tidak kalah menarik dengan sepakbola pria.

  11. I'm so happy ☺️ my life is totally changing. I've been earning $10,250 returns from my $4,000 Investment every 13 days

  12. Mansurillah dijo:

    Ternyata di Juve ada Guardado nya juga

  13. Bah Ibrahim dijo:

    Proud of you ladies d blues for life🏆🏅🥇🥈🥉

  14. lg may dijo:

    well done chelsea come on you bules l hope to play with chelsea in the future wen l am older

  15. Hurtig peggiore in campo. In base agli highlights ovviamente.

  16. so am i dijo:

    Juve vs Chelsea is always classic.

  17. What a save by Pauline though

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