Juventus-Inter 1-1 | ¡Lukaku al rescate!: Goles y resumen | Copa Italia Frecciarossa 2022/23

La primera de semifinales de la Coppa Italia entre Juventus e Inter terminó en empate: el marcador lo abrió el gol de Cuadrado en el minuto 83 antes de que los nerazzurri empataran en el último minuto con el penalti del delantero belga. Un final tenso también con tarjetas rojas para Lukaku, Handanovic y Cuadrado | Coppa Italia Frecciarossa 2022/23 #Highlights #JuveInter #CoppaItaliaFrecciarossa Este es el canal oficial de la Serie A, que ofrece los últimos momentos destacados, entrevistas, noticias y reportajes para mantenerlo al día con todo lo relacionado con el fútbol italiano. ¡Suscríbete al canal aquí! Obtenga más información sobre la Serie A en: Questo è il canale ufficiale della Serie A, dove potrai avere accesso ai momenti salienti, alle interviste, alle notizie e alle funzionalità del momento per rimanere aggiornato sulle ultime novità del campionato. Iscriviti qui al canale! Información detallada sobre la Serie A:

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32 respuestas a Juventus-Inter 1-1 | ¡Lukaku al rescate!: Goles y resumen | Copa Italia Frecciarossa 2022/23

  1. If the referee were black. He won't give any card to Lukaku.

  2. JUN10R3DITZ dijo:

    why were handanovic and cuadrado given reds??

  3. Лукаку ничего не сделал

  4. Encore un arbitrage éclairé ! On exclut Lukaku, victime du racisme des supporters de la Juventus. C'est ces manifestations de racisme qu'il fallait sanctionner. Mais c'est la Juventus, chouchou des journalistes, de l'arbitrage, …

  5. Bravo Juve, Calciopoli again buy refree

  6. Eamon Reidy dijo:

    Lukaku must be shattered that the institution of football in Italy upheld the red card. That will make any person feel vulnerable and self aware in heightened ways.

  7. Well, even Baloteli, one of their own got racially abused by the Italian, I wasnt surprised one bit to find out that Lukaku was treated wrongly there.

  8. Mateo K. dijo:

    So after all these years Serie A is still a racist cesspool, some things never change I guess…

  9. justin kuo dijo:

    The referee should be banned for a life time, he did not hear what the Juventus fans shout at Lukaku???shammed!!!!!

  10. Wasit terlalu mihak kepada Juventus Dan Lukaku di kartu merah karena dia selebrasi karena suporter juve rasis Saya tidak suka dengan rasisme Semangat Lukaku yg benar'pasti' Menang

  11. Very bad look for Juve and Italian football.

  12. Ujjwal garg dijo:

    Just remember king of football is a black person. Why do racists forget that??

  13. Why don't they deduct 15 more points from Juve. It will serve the chills

  14. Der_ Heldt dijo:

    Meanwhile noone is talking about the missed Handshake in the beginning

  15. Rajesh Engti dijo:

    I'm big biggest fan D Maria from Karbi Anglong North East India🇮🇳

  16. Caraí este bremmer é mto ruim , como a juve contrata este cara

  17. Wout Roefs dijo:

    Romelu my goat ❤🙏f Racism !

  18. Lukaku's yellow-red card proves two things!
    On the one hand, that the referee is a racist or has absolutely no empathy. Both should mean professional ban for a referee!
    On the other hand, that racism is still treated as a bagatelle…..

  19. William Deng dijo:

    Cuadrado is unbelievable white man

  20. Kendrick dijo:

    I don't understand, Cuadrado is black too

  21. WintaH dijo:

    Alot of racism in Italian football for past 2 decades. The Referee and racist fans need to be taken to Court…. We need Justiceeeeeeeeeeeeeee..

  22. The ref was also chanting.

  23. funny Bunny dijo:

    Best experience at stadium we even shouted 🗣stop racism against whites🙏🏻

  24. BEAST PLAYS dijo:

    Nothing just Juventus trying to be relevant, would love to see them humbled by other teams

  25. Djedw Jones dijo:

    Come al solito, questo canale.. 🤫

  26. 킴송숑 dijo:

    한국에서 조용히 응원하고 있습니다.
    한다노비치가 은퇴하기전에 챔스우승을
    부탁 드립니다! 제발! 그리고 라우타로를
    인테르의 아이콘이 될수있게!
    이탈리아에 있는 전세계의 인테르 팬들에게
    축복과 건강과 평화 그리고 사랑이 가득하길

  27. kiaser Sozez dijo:

    In a land where a fascist is their leader, then there's no surprise the brainless Juve ( Italian ) fans will revel in vile chants.. Win at all costs hey !!

  28. Fini Fajrini dijo:

    I am is a fans inter i very happy for lukaku penalty

  29. It’s absolutely unacceptable that this still happens in a Sport where ALL are welcomed! Like how could a child shout racial slurs? How can another human dislike someone who’s just a different complexion from you and you don’t even know them personally!
    SERIE A needs to be called out for even issuing a RED CARD to Lukaku for actually reacting for being insulted. Totally ABSURD!

  30. Dan King dijo:

    Juventus are a club on the decline so I get it.

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