Reacciones al debut de Paul Pogba con la Juventus | FC ESPN

Frank Leboeuf se une a ESPN FC para hablar sobre el debut de Paul Pogba con Juventus en una victoria por 4-2 contra Torino. También hablan del futuro de Pogba. —- Suscríbase a ESPN UK: siga a ESPN UK en varias plataformas:

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27 respuestas a Reacciones al debut de Paul Pogba con la Juventus | FC ESPN

  1. Thiago6 dijo:

    Paul Pogba has to be the only footballer in the world that is not allowed to make mistakes…any single mistake overrides all the good he’s done

  2. Pablo H dijo:

    One of the most overrated footballers ever, I'm waiting for the "but but but he won a world cup". He plays well in about 1 in 10 games

  3. rhythm451 dijo:

    Man U ruined this man's whole career

  4. If a healthy Pogba was on the field in the world cup final, Argentina would have been dominating the game and then Pogba would have made a few key passes to Mbappe and France would have won.

  5. W13 dijo:

    Frank casually forgot to mention that Vlahovic hit the post on a 1 v 1 when the score was 2-2. Torino hit the post after Vlahovic hit the postx

  6. sanyog gupta dijo:

    Frank was so positive because Pogba is a French player

  7. Lee Maxwell dijo:

    Unfortunately playing about 5 good games in his career doesn’t make him a great player Frank

  8. Nosiku dijo:

    300 years 😂😂😂😂😂.. frank smoked had

  9. The point deduction is distracting us from the fact that Juve are actually having a very decent season, they would be second by now

  10. Dude dijo:

    Without watching the video of sure there will be some Pogba hate 😭🤣. English media and fans hate players with personality, that’s why Neymar and Pogba are so hated. They love players who are bots with no personality and only focus on football 24/7

  11. Shitty Pogba getting more coverage than Napoli. Look at the points table

  12. Non performing asset 🤭 headache for any club ..

  13. He will be out for 6 weeks in a month time because of cheek bone injury. Then he will be spotted in Miami's clubs poo partying and dancing

  14. That’s the only way u losers report a serie a game, when there’s either controversy or just one player 🤡🤡🤡

  15. Pogba is nothing compaired to Giroud.

  16. ADR dijo:

    Bro Napoli really ran away with it this season

  17. Kyle Muckian dijo:

    People have this Idea of Italian football that it's Defensive it's not the case i Watch Alot of Italian football and most of the teams play Open expansive football it's a Really Entertaining League

  18. Next match at Roma, if Juventus will win, they will be reduce from 9 points to 6 points lap

  19. Jonathan A dijo:

    One of the best passers of a football I've ever seen. Hopefully he can stay fit because for me he is easily a top 5 midfielder in the world

  20. When Pogba came in with the #10 shirt displayed on his back the nostalgia of 2015-16 hit hard

  21. Jae dijo:

    Am I missing something? How tf is pogba making his debut when it’s literally march tomorrow?

  22. VinnyG dijo:

    These guys gave more time to Fulham than Juventus ffs 🤦‍♂️

  23. Need more vedio about juventus..Since ronaldo left there has been very few

  24. Pogba will be injured before the end of March 🤦🏽‍♂️

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