Juventus vs chelsea (3-0) Partido de Grupo UCL2013

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24 respuestas a Juventus vs chelsea (3-0) Partido de Grupo UCL2013

  1. Aan Sportivo dijo:

    Matteo langsung dipecat

  2. Aki dijo:


  3. frustrating to imagine how we are stuck with de sciglio, knowing we had such quality in lichtsteiner back then

  4. Juventin dijo:

    Buffon was so important. it's unreal how taken for granted he was.

  5. when can we go back to the days of Marcello Lippi, Gianluca Vialli and Del Piero

  6. Какое удовольствие смотреть на такой Ювентус и какое же жалкое зрелище приходится видеть сейчас.

  7. I want to kiss cech's thigh.

  8. Novasco. dijo:

    Bro actually the old juventus was really somthing, now days were happy cuz we didnt lose vs Lecce..

  9. Danang Wijan dijo:

    Enak bed di tonton gk kaya sekarang 😭😁🥲

  10. CleFesse dijo:

    The good old days, I miss it so much… even with Boriello, Hernanes and Llorente, the control of the game was entertaining and deadly efficient to watch with Vidal, Pirlo & Marchisio !
    That 3-5-2 with Barzagli I miss it too!

  11. Che squadra gioco spettacolare

  12. Dexovann dijo:

    Quel vizio lì di rinculare BONUCCI non l'ha perso neanche dopo 10 anni. Però De Ligt, a 22 anni, in una Juve allo sbando, ha fatto male…

  13. VM dijo:

    Lain dulu lain sekarang..
    Lawan PSG aja kalah,, kontiilll

  14. Goduria Pura !! Bellissime squadre.

  15. Mi manca la Juventus di Antonio Conte

  16. chelsea could have won the match! good old times!

  17. Lino Casilli dijo:

    Fategliela vedere ad Allegri!

  18. Ali Syahbana dijo:

    Bonucci 😂 Why Juve still keep this player. I used to be grateful that Milan bought

  19. The commentator should drink coffee first before talk shit…chelsea takes the lead..ohh that's side netting 😊

  20. Che juve che era. E che atmosfera!

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