Previa Juventus – FC Barcelona

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49 respuestas a Previa Juventus – FC Barcelona

  1. what time will they play and what channel?

  2. Udin Nur dijo:

    Juventus pasti menang.. 😀😀😀

  3. Osman TV dijo:

    buy Fabinho from Monaco as a RB / rotation player for Busquets

  4. Rocky H dijo:

    I heard that Luis Enrique will play Andre Gomez as one of the starters tonight, is that true????.!!

  5. f6r uyb dijo:

    Juventus is the best in the world 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👍👍👍👍👍Tank you

  6. Come on Barça. Lets win it 3-1! 👍

  7. Nathan K dijo:

    Messi look like Mustafi

  8. we are together with the team and we're gonna go it again! força barça!!!

  9. champions league final 2015 1-3. champions league quarter final 1-3 on first leg

  10. Swag Ni dijo:

    At 2:42 everyone is calm and… BOOM there's Dani Alves I miss him so much he's laugh he's jokes the dribbling the skills he's so amazing I just can't understand why did you sell him!!! #Imissdanialves

  11. funnycnn dijo:

    Respect Barcelona, gonna be a great match! But the video quality is too bad compare to Juventus official channel… The voice over made me sleepy, not matching such an excting fixture…

  12. no one respond to suraj's Opinion Is Better lol once he realizes no one cares then he will leave

  13. Jay dijo:

    To be honest, I'll be happy with just a draw tomorrow! We can beat them at the Camp Nou!!

  14. 365 like <—-

    Yea probaly.

  15. tell erique he better dont gomes start

  16. FC Orange dijo:

    I'm skipping half of school tomorrow so I can watch the game 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  17. ter Stegen is dreadful…we need Seel him

  18. Come on Barça you can do this!!!! Visca BARCELONA!!!!!!

  19. Cannot wait for this garbage club to get exposed by a much better Juventus side.

    MSN will go missing yet again.

  20. Gibran Luna dijo:

    si Dani Alves mete gol lo festejara?

  21. IcekoldCilla dijo:

    Sell GOMES, and mathieu, they are a DISGRACE

  22. Shortz dijo:

    no ref no party
    juve all day

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