¿Qué pasó con la polémica del VAR entre Juventus y Salernitana? | FC ESPN

ESPN FC reacciona al gol del tiempo de descuento de la Juventus que fue anulado después de la revisión del VAR. Suscríbase a ESPN UK: siga a ESPN UK en varias plataformas:

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23 respuestas a ¿Qué pasó con la polémica del VAR entre Juventus y Salernitana? | FC ESPN

  1. Matt G dijo:

    How can you have a video about a controversial incident…and not even show the incident?

  2. Mister TIBS dijo:

    Clickbait mofo thumbnail, bellends.

  3. stop making this the focus of all sports news. it is not the first time it happened, suddenly because it happened to Juventus the VAR is supposed to disappear? this should also call for imporvements to the protocol.

  4. abdi libaax dijo:

    VAR is good blame the ref

  5. Dave Spagnol dijo:

    Surely the VAR video on the screen should have showed the entire width of the screen.

  6. the assistants should look to var besides the first refreee

  7. Dr strange dijo:

    The only thing he should complain about is the red card standing for milik anything else stfu. The guy is offside regardless if it's 0.05 mm

  8. J R dijo:

    It feels too coincidental that the ref came back to disallow the goal after the 94 min added time was up. Cuadrado and Allegri rightfully protested a bad call and get red cards. But tbh Juventus is Juventus and they have higher standards so they need to get over this and just beat teams into submission when Pogba, Di Maria and Cheisa are back. Can't wait. Still undefeated in Serie A, thats good for defensive mentality. Just need to incorporate youngsters and capitalize on big chances in attack. This is the opportune moment for a comeback.

  9. Kevin Pillay dijo:

    They have got away with plenty in the past with referees. Not right desicion but thats life. Italian officials have EPL fever. Last week Man United Vs Sociedad there was handball given with VAR after ball hits defender on knee then hand. Like what's happening with officials.

  10. Jeff Jeff dijo:

    Years of winning has left other serie a clubs bitter, even when it’s an obvious robbery, bad for the league and a terrible look for Milan and inter supporters 😂

  11. Yunan Helmi dijo:

    The referee's decision in Juventus match is trending worldwide lol, an achievement for Italian football. what a shame

  12. Kyawthu Wynn dijo:

    The thing is that wasn't even a mistake. Here's the facts. Juve won 9 in a row. Everyone is saying Serie A is boring and it's always Juve. Juve's winning cycle ended 2 years ago and Lega A was happy and so was all anti Juve. Juve is about to come back to it's winning way this season. Missing 3 key players plus 2 1st team players last night and still only 4 points adrift from top, would have been 2 points with a win against salernitana. Lega A doesn't want Scudetto go back to Turin. So they do everything they can that Scudetto won't go back to Turin. It's easy for them to do this now as the whole world is criticizing Allegri for not playing so-called beautiful football. And then they can't hide from it because it was not even in position to call the question of offside. Lega A had to admit that it was a mistake but it wasn't a mistake as Lega A manipulated from the beginning.

  13. VAR was created to provide more controversy for more attention. Forget being offside by 2mm. Or calling everything a handball. This was an absolutely scandalous decision. It's actually good it happened in the least watched league in Europe lol. Can you imagine if this happened in the EPL?! Lol

  14. Doodler 2D dijo:

    Juve played badly anyways, they do not deserve to win with that expensive squad.

  15. Soham Sonis dijo:

    Football before VAR was much more fun 😭

  16. refs and defenders were shite

  17. Who cares fck juventus now they know what it feels like to be cheated

  18. If it was any other club I would feel bad but seeing as Juventus and the Agnelli family have a storied history of cheating I feel nothing but joy seeing them get cheated out of 2 points

  19. Talk about working backwards..what a shame on Var and ref

  20. Keval Shah dijo:

    Yes he was onside, but Gab talks way too much, now he wants VAR to consult linesmen, does he also want them to consult the managers, the pundits and everyone else and their moms too? The point of VAR is to see more accurate images, so they would never and nor would they need to consult the linesmen. This is a rare instance where the camera did not pick up the wider image and see the player that kept everyone onside.

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