MAGNIFIQUE PYRO DES ULTRAS & GOLES MBAPPE I PSG – Juventus FC (2-1) | Liga de Campeones

Rèsumè de mon expérience sous forme de stadion vlog entre le match aller des lors de la phase de poules de la ligue des champions entre le paris saint germain (psg) et la juventus fc en 2-1. Paris est une belle ville et j’espère bien y retourner à l’avenir. // Resumen de mi experiencia en un stadionvlog entre el partido de ida de la fase de grupos de la Champions League entre Paris Saint Germain (PSG) y juventus fc que resultó 2-1. París es una ciudad hermosa y espero volver allí en el futuro. MIS REDES SOCIALES: #psg #juventus #psgjuv #championsleague

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45 respuestas a MAGNIFIQUE PYRO DES ULTRAS & GOLES MBAPPE I PSG – Juventus FC (2-1) | Liga de Campeones

  1. sicodelic44 dijo:

    Warning that the frustration of Madrid last summer with mbappe would bring consequences.

    Real Madrid is despot and insolent will do everything possible so that

    everything goes wrong at PSG. You have to discover his dirty game,

  2. Adam Candra dijo:

    Can anyone tell me, which type of flare?

  3. This stadium is more than stone it's history:-).

  4. Roytjes1 dijo:

    Jeeez, always love your cinematic intro's! This video is a special one on its own once again. Great atmosphere! Keep doing these videos

  5. kykyxa911 dijo:

    Не снимай кепку

  6. Tom Tom dijo:

    We don’t want tourists who’re just here for Messi in our stadium🤦‍♂️this isn’t a museum ❤️💙

  7. Ella dijo:

    What a match, and what a video😍

  8. J-P Claudel dijo:

    Certains joueurs du PSG auraient pu faire une grande carrière au théâtre en tant que COMÉDIENS.
    Pour la mémorisation des textes, par contre, j'ai des doutes.

  9. __m dijo:

    PSG have always had ULTRAS and it was even a better atmosphere before the arrival of Qatar. Between the 90s and 2010, PSG had the best atmosphere in France and one of the best in Europe with more than 13,000 ultras in the two corners (Virage Auteuil and Boulogne tribune) after wars between the supporters of these two tribunes, because of different political opinions, there were several deaths in these clashes and in 2010, Robin Leproux, the president of psg as well as the police headquarters decided to ban all ultras from the parc des princes. With the arrival of Qatar in 2011, there was therefore no longer any atmosphere in the stadium. it was only in 2016, after a fierce fight by the Virage Auteuil ultras, that they were able to return in reduced numbers. Today there are around 4000 in the Virage Auteuil and 400 in the Boulogne stand (they were fired again a few days ago but should be able to come back) PSG is starting to become one of the best atmospheres in Europe and the best atmosphere in France with Warseille and Saint-Étienne. And you should also know that the vast majority of the ultras of the time did not want to return to the stadium because they did not like the management policy of the club that Qatar had. so please be a little educated on the subject and just enjoy the show. "Listen to sing, listen to sing, listen to the Parisians sing, and above all, don't say anything".

  10. Great video my friend. Incredible atmosphere in Paris 🔥

  11. George dijo:

    Respect PSG from Feyenoord

  12. sahil dijo:

    Good work mate! Keep it up ❤️

  13. Soccervibes dijo:

    What an efforts from the ultra's and the content you put up lately… Road to 10K!!!

  14. Plant Man dijo:

    Sick vid! Paris really is a very nice city!!

  15. Timika dijo:

    The atmosphere of the Parc des Princes is not worth that of before 2010, the atmosphere was crazy, now it feels like Disneyland.
    F*ck repression
    F*ck Qatar

  16. Sadly, the club and fans might get punished by UEFA for the pyros. I have no problems with it as long as fans aren't using them as weapons, which was not the case for this game, but UEFA hates it.

  17. There's Utrecht v Ajax and then there's this… you're giving us such great content, thank you! The road to 10k never stops

  18. Another incredible video my man. Sublime. 🥰🥰🥰

  19. Can't wait for my team playing Ajax, glad you'll be there. 😍

  20. Opgebleven om deze nog ff te checken, geniaal weer gewoon groundhopper🙃

  21. This match could also have been 6-3 or something!?!

  22. Harry Kan't dijo:

    Man, these videos are just a Great watch… all I can say is for me this vids may even be like 10 mins but I understand you can't film it all

  23. Josh Chunn dijo:

    Amazing video!! Pyro show was crazy

  24. Totally agree again, outside looks like garbage but inside is a thing of beauty… 8/10

  25. Theo Brabo dijo:

    Oh my got so many goosebumps from that Pyro… ULTRASSS

  26. Bence Kovacs dijo:

    How do you manage to get tickets for these games

  27. Incredible edits and REALLY good atmosphere. Never would have thought that about PSG😬

  28. Wow what an opener in the Champions League. Good atmosphere for money club🔥

  29. Wow what an opener in the Champions League. Good atmosphere for money club🔥

  30. ❤Only for fans over 18 year⤵️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine gedangsie.ONLINE Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wennw ich 4 wählen würde

  31. mick dijo:

    Nice bro zieke video

  32. What a fantastic CL match with amazing atmospere in beautiful Paris. Great video by Groundhopper.

  33. fifa legend dijo:

    How many pyro do you want?
    Ultras Paris: YES😂

  34. Heerlijke video weer, echt genieten !!


  36. Hom3r dijo:

    Groundhopper FC living the dream. Thanks for providing us the content we need! Love from a PSV fan❤🤍💡

  37. Again so fast. Loved the cinematics on this one.

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