PSG o Juventus: ¿A quién se unirá Paul Pogba la próxima temporada? | FC ESPN

El equipo de ESPN FC profundiza en el futuro de Paul Pogba con el Manchester United al final de la temporada. #ESPNFC #Transfer ✔ Suscríbete a ESPN+: ✔ Suscríbete a ESPN FC en YouTube:

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31 respuestas a PSG o Juventus: ¿A quién se unirá Paul Pogba la próxima temporada? | FC ESPN

  1. Sonam Dorji dijo:

    Championship club suits him..

  2. I'd rather try and sign Golovin from Monaco. Sign a new LB, sign Raspadori and Promote De winter , Soule and Enzo Barrenechea.

  3. BR225 dijo:


  4. those are the perfect places for luxury lazy players

  5. Pogba could probably join a championship team with those defensive skills. haha

  6. Pogba is a toxic diva. Allow him in ur teams at ur own risk.

  7. John Stone dijo:

    Robbo WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ! He was so good at Juve ? How long ago was that ?

  8. How is he world class if he can’t do it all over the world only has done it in the Italian league when it was even worse than it is now ??

  9. Pogba is a cancer. He is the soccer version of a wide receiver. He plays when he wants and plays how hard he wants and you can't be selective as a professional. He quit on his team this year and that's unacceptable.

  10. It’s incredible how PSG has flopped with Messi on the team. What a sad page in the story of this player. Nobody talks about him anymore. Nobody mentions “the best player in the world”. Barcelona ruined one of the greatest footballing storylines with their mismanagement.

  11. karim dijo:

    If pogba is a true player for the game he'll chose juve

  12. Jason Morgan dijo:

    if PSG gets Pogba PSG will struggle more. PSG need life, control, balance, speed in their midfield and Pogba don’t have that

  13. keiff Boss dijo:

    Pogba only has 3 assists for France??? What?????

  14. Imran Shaikh dijo:

    Title : Which Team Paul Pogba will destroy next year ??

  15. U. Tassinari dijo:

    Bad decision, Bad decision…

  16. James O. dijo:

    Paul never lived up to the hype. He was too relaxed in United. My gut feeling tells me he created the diva mentality in united. I really don't care where he ends up.

  17. If psg signs pogba then they are officially the worst team in the world in terms of finding right players for the club all they care is big names , believe me messi and neymar is far good attacking sides
    but they don't need another player like pogba who doesn't works hard ,

    psg needs working hard midfielders , people thinks bcuz mbappe left psg will suffer at attacking but listen the reason messi wasn't great this season is bcuz team was formed around mbappe but next season if they tries to form a team around messi and neymar ,believe me messi , neymar is enough in attacking sides but all they need is good midfielders and defenders .

  18. Zami Sarker dijo:

    PSGs midfield isnt that strong. They need one real strong hardworking midfielder.

  19. Michael dijo:

    Ale is right look how well herrera did there someone with no ego and willing to work

  20. GIK art dijo:

    he'll be at a black n white stripes, but not juve.

  21. Vinz W dijo:

    Pogba is a football charlatan, better don’t recruit him.

  22. iv dijo:


  23. Injury prone, huge salary, only plays well for france.

  24. Vini Jr_best dijo:

    He is ready for any team who needs a worthless player

  25. He will be a perfect fit at Evaton

  26. Toni Kross 4 ucl, Juventus, psg-0 ucl in last 20/30 years, whats the point of playing for other clubs when you can just sign for Madrid, sleep on bench and win ucl every year, ucl winning is the objective of every player today so they should just sign for real Madrid, even winning ballon d or is a cup of cake in real Madrid

  27. One of those rare moments when I agree with Ale.

  28. Tom M dijo:

    Pogba unfortunately is one of those players who only play at the top of their game consistently when they've bigger players to keep them in line

  29. WAS a good player, a lot of WAS LOL

  30. Tanarc dijo:

    I think he will go to norwich city

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