After Platini’s sudden retirement, Juventus were on their way to a barren period. With other key players either leaving or retiring, it was a tough period for the Bianconeri.
However, with the arrival of stars like Roberto Baggio, Gianluca Vialli, Alessandro Del Piero, Juve were on their way back to the top. Other key elements of that rise to success was the arrival of Marcelo Lippi and key management figures like Roberto Bettega, Luciano Moggi, and Antonio Giraudo. All these key parts helped Juve create history in a successful decade within the 1990’s.
Watch all the details of that period, from the fall to the rise.
Written, Directed, and Voiced by:
Fahad Al-Thekair
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Please do a video on the calcio scandal and the rise from its ?
It’s weird because after ten years of Juventus dominance they are now back to winning nothing and the Milan clubs are dominating again.
That del Piero volley was something else…u go out and try it yourself you can’t do it…impossible finish
??? another amazing documentary. Juventus in the second half of the 1990s was surely the best team in the world, they played 4 consecutive European finals (1 UEFA, when the UEFA Cup was arguably as hard as the Champions League; and 3 Champions League), won the European Supercup and Intercontinental Cup as well
As 3 scudetto when Serie A competition was simply monstrous (basically all top players in the world played in Italy at the time, barring those who played for Real Madrid Barcelona and later Man United). Yet the European curse struck twice: Juve lost against a solid Borussia team which it had vastly dominated in the years prior (destroyed in the UEFA Cup 1992-3 and defeated in the Uefa cup 1994-5 as well as in the Champions League 1995-6) and a weak Real Madrid side in spite of being vastly superior to both. And curse hasn’t stopped yet. Juventus lost three further Champions League finals in 2003, 2015 and 2017, for a total of 7 losses, 1 draw (converted into a win on penalty kicks) and one miserable victory (on a non-existent penalty) on the day of the Heisel tragedy which no-one is happy with.
Ps. The Calciopoli scandal is worth an episode on its own
How about calciopoli skandal?
Absolutely brilliant bro! What a masterpiece in such great detail and high quality! Amazing story telling and compilations! Must’ve been real time consuming? But I hope it all pays off as you deserve all the credit! I’m a Juve fan and been looking to watch something like this for years! Your videos are so good that I end up watching other ones because of the amount of work you put in them and they’ve been outstanding! Big respect to your work bro, keep it up and hope you’re rewarded in abundance for your hard work! Ps. Arguably the greatest of all time, Maradona? Every one knows his Argentina story but a rise and fall compilation of his historic time at Napoli would be spectacular! If anyone can compile a masters piece like that I know it’ll be you bro?! I’ll await for the day for that to drop lol Peace+luv brother ?
Inter led by trapatoni milan by sacchi and napoli by maradona if this does not show maradona's greatness i dont know what does
Juventus, Lippi, Alegri, Del Piero, Baggio and Buffon are spoken in one line, they are unseparable.
Wath an underated job. It should have 10m views or being on televisio
The real captain for Juve was / is Delpiero
And the real Manager is Lippi
36:12 Juventus finished Season 1998/99 at place SIX! Not eight. SIX!
So many dodgy decisions throughout those years. It's a shame because that talented squad could have won without controversial points gained every month they'd have questionable goals awarded and decisions made for their benefit. ?
Great video man!! Loved every minute of it!!! Thank you ?
Also loved your accent… gave me vibes from “The Dictator”!!!
Del piero the ?
Thank you for all this amazing content
Del Piero was truly something else between 95 and 98. For me he was basically a 90s version of Messi. But then the injury. Despite being good, it's undeniable he wasn't what he once was and never reached his true ultimate true potential ?
37:16 ?
Give us a new video
Und jetzt ist Juventus fast ein Vierteljahrhundert ohne internationalen Titel…
nice dockumentary but u forgot to mention doping and calciopoli scandals
Del Piero ??
Can we get one on AC Milan please
Forza Juve! Sempre!!!
Make documentary on man city
Juve Fc la vecchia signora più bianconeri siete lo megliore squadra nei Serie A/B e lo Scudetto. Loro ho vinci settanta trofie. Serie A – Trentasei volte e Serie B – Una volta. Coppa Italia – Quattordici volte anche Supercoppa Italia – Nove volte e finalmente L'Europae – Nove volte e World Super Cup – Una volta vedi. La Juve è fantastica. Ho supportato Juve da allora 1980 età 6 anni antici. Mio preferiri terzino sinistro e favorita calciotore per Juventus Fc è lo giocatore Antonio Cabrini. Ti abbia di cura te stesso fanatici ultra di Juve Fc. Buon fortuna. Ti amo. Stare forza Juve!!!. Campione. Sorprendente acadamia di calcio. Antonio Futura AZMA Tiani Jacqi Lucia. Ancoats Nqtr Miles Platting M/cr.
Great documentary… very well done and professional