Will Cristiano Ronaldo get dragged into Juventus’ financial investigation? | ESPN FC

Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens saw a lot of promise for Juventus on the pitch as Simone Inzaghi’s men take down Genoa 2-0. However, Gab and Juls also update on the ongoing false accounting investigation, which now includes Juventus’ sale of Cristiano Ronaldo to Manchester United.

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27 respuestas a Will Cristiano Ronaldo get dragged into Juventus’ financial investigation? | ESPN FC

  1. SafwanNet dijo:

    The only time I saw a freekick in serie A was Baggio in 2000. After that Ericksen scored one in 2020 in Italian cup vs Napoli.

  2. SafwanNet dijo:

    The only time I saw a freekick in serie A was Baggio in 2000. After that Ericksen scored one in 2020 in Italian cup vs Napoli.

  3. Tusta saha dijo:

    Lol Juve had thought we bring Ronaldo and he single handledly win UCL for us , I am not blaming Ronaldo he gave everything he can example winning against atm , but team did not give enough support to Ronaldo maybe because of financial reasons… because after the ronaldo signing jeep company started protests against this 100 million signing

  4. Ronaldo will be jailed. Again. ???????? Força Barça

  5. Juventus buy a problem 100 mil to real Madrid?

  6. There is corruption in Football, blame it on Ronaldo. Super league coming up, blame it on Ronaldo. United not doing well , blame it on Ronaldo. pandemic resurfacing, blame it on Ronaldo, climate change issues, blame it on Ronaldo. According to ESPN fc cause and effect of every problem in the world is Ronaldo

  7. Simpdale TV dijo:

    without Ronaldo no ESPN fact

  8. breakdown461 dijo:

    It's keyword association time for ESPN.

  9. These people would go broke without Ronaldo, they are obsessed with the man.

  10. Why do you people make so many negative videos about Cristiano but keep quiet when Messi is a mess? Biased buffoons!

  11. N Leung dijo:

    Calhanoglu also said his was meant to be a near-post cross, Perisic scores all the time, but the olimpico at the Olimpico should still be remembered forever

  12. Mr facts dijo:

    He dragged united to become another juventus
    2nd without him 9 th with him
    Clutch ???

  13. So they didn't answer the question

  14. Zemas Paze dijo:

    Barce literally is broke because of the the contract he was offered…. But y'all blaming Ronaldo for juve financial problems ?????? the hate is real

  15. Lets find another way to hate on Ronaldo

  16. mina dijo:

    my man is criticised in
    man utd
    give cristiano a break

  17. Hala Madrid thanks Juventus 100 million in the bank ? ?

  18. Lol why is it always about Cristiano on espn? Why not blame messi for barcas financial woes ?

  19. Abdul dijo:

    CR7 should have never played to such a shitty club. I wish he joined man united after leaving Madrid

  20. Bashar Amer dijo:

    Let's blame ronaldo for everything!!!

  21. All Juventus current woes lead down the road to Paratici's door. Ronaldo took up an offer HE made to him… CR7 was perfectly in his rights to take them up on it. The problem for Juventus (and Agnelli's poor judgement / leadership) is that they could never realistically afford Ronaldo – even before the virus struck. Beppe Morrata knew this, which is why he objected to the transfer and left the club. The dubious capital gains transfers like Arthur / Pjanic almost HAD to be done once the finances started to tank big time in 2020 with the stadium shutouts (although they were already making big losses before the virus hit). I am a 30 year Juve supporter, but as much as it was a surprise, the Ronaldo transfer was a catastrophic mistake. At one point during the Ronaldo era Juve had the third biggest payroll in European football, but only the tenth biggest income! What could possibly go wrong….?‍♂️

  22. agem1989 dijo:

    Question: why do these financial rules apply only in Italy? Why Barcelona and real Madrid are still able to go on since decades with 1billion euros debts each when in Italy or Germany they would be failed? Why Bayern Munich is able to get players from those useless Bundesliga clubs almost for free but when they smell epl oil money they sell them three times the price? Why psg and city haven't been banned from champions League for the same issue of Juventus? Modern football just sucks big time. Everything is just f.ucked up

  23. Wait.. almost every team is being investigated. Are they going to turn it into another Calciopoli? So whenever Juventus starts winning they send them to Serie B? There is no fixed price for players.

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