Visiting the Juventus Turin Stadium and the Museum in the Allianz Stadium in Turin(Torino), Italy
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mole antonelliana
জুশ জুশ জুশ জুশ জুশ জুশ চীজ হ্যায় এডওয়ার্ড কৌন
Hell hole stadium. Suits the scummy club mind you. Looks like a death camp from the outside.
9:24 ???
I prefer the old Delle Alpi. Bigger and more imposing for opposition Champions League teams.
1:52 é impressão minha ou cara tá com a camisa do cruzeiro??
Juventus dominates in Italy but only 2 Champions League cups. They need to do better in Europe.
Hey everyone I hope you are having a great day, I just wanted to remind you that Jesus loves you and is willing to accept you into His Glorious Kingdom. GOD BLESS?
ملعب يوفي ليس عصري
It's quite small though.
Hey i want in the summer visit the Allianz Stadium can i go with the museum tickets in the stadium?
Una Storia di un grande amore
O estádio do Atlético-MG a Arena MRV foi inspirada nesse estadio da Juventus o Allianz Stadium
This tour seems more calm and relaxed than the FC Barcelona tour.
Thank u 4 video
oneday i like 2 visit the Juventus stadium goods great
Who is that asshole followed Juventus stadium tour but wearing Barcelona jersey ? ??
Modernity is more important than capacity! A very beautiful stadium.
10:06 опа здарова
Too small stadium!