Juventus Legends Reunion | Behind The Scenes: Zidane v Del Piero | Exclusive

Step behind the scenes and join football legends like Del Piero, Zidane, Platini, Matri, and Marchisio in an exclusive reunion event like no other. Our ‘Together a Black and White Show’ takes you on a thrilling journey as we capture the essence of this historic match. From locker-room banter to on-field brilliance, experience the magic that unfolded during this unforgettable event. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness the stars of the past come together for an epic encounter.

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#Juve #Soccer #Zidane #DelPiero #BehindTheScenes

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49 respuestas a Juventus Legends Reunion | Behind The Scenes: Zidane v Del Piero | Exclusive

  1. П Петр dijo:

    why there is no buffon and nedved

  2. beton dijo:

    Vorrei Montero affianco a letto la mattina che mi dà la carica.

  3. Fajar Eka dijo:

    Where David Trezeguet??

  4. La storia della Juve ⚽
    Alessandro Del Piero 🔥🔥🔥

  5. Andrebbero celebrati più spesso questi eventi!!!! Fanno riaffiorare bellissimi ricordi e cementano ancor di più lo spirito juventino 💪

  6. Thach Vo dijo:

    organizer: How many legends do you need?
    Juventus: Yes.

  7. Glad that I was able to see Platini playing at comunale Stadium !

  8. Ziwei Cao dijo:

    Lippi man, such a handsome man. Calling him "Paul Newman" is still too conservative IMO.

  9. Smm dijo:

    Buffon ? Trezeguet ? Camoranesi ?

  10. Adrian Adr dijo:

    l would cry if l were there to see these guys,, what a greatness..

  11. Bandi greged dijo:


  12. lucid blug dijo:

    Where's the birthday boy, Trezegol?
    Why he wasn't there?

  13. Zaki Zainal dijo:

    marcelo lippi the legend

  14. 30 years worth of beautiful memories with all those legends!

  15. 5:48 I'm crying. What a moment to see my childhood hero get an atmosphere that he absolutely deserved.

  16. CME Net dijo:


  17. Andri Nova dijo:

    Peruzzi, montero , iuliano, ferarra;conte, davids, dilivio, tachinardi, pesoto;zidane, inzhagi, delpiero
    Salam dari juventino indonesia

  18. Chiellini nedvid Pirlo Buffon Trezeguet Lichsteiner Vidal Tévez erano da invitare

  19. Such a beautiful evening! Unforgettable! Thanks all the Legends and the Juventus Calcio Club. Loved it. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  20. Alex ab dijo:

    There can't be too many players in elite football that mean as much to a club and its fans as ADP. Hopefully he only comes back to the club if and when it's right and we don't 'burn' him in the wrong circumstances. I missed Nedved here, hopefully everything is OK with him. 🤍🖤

  21. Alex ab dijo:

    4:15 What a pro, waits for his musical cue to come in

  22. HELP TV dijo:

    Ciro è troppo forte 😂😮

  23. Rakan Rabihe dijo:

    Iam a simple person, Juventus is my life🤍🖤

  24. BeNv3 dijo:

    10:20 noto qualcuno di familiare con la maglia di Danilo 😂

  25. rokyy_00 _ dijo:

    Mancano solo i passamontagna

  26. belli belli belli !!! grande juve !! 💪💪🦓🦓❤❤

  27. Love seeing Michel Platini and Zidane sitting at the same table laughing. As an Italo-French lifelong Juventino, it warms my heart.

  28. Meravigliosi ricordi con ognuno di loro ma gli anni di Le Roi in bianconero sono speciali.

  29. Lichstainer Tévez Buffon Trezeguet toni Vidal erano da invitare

  30. C'è solo Un Capitano!!!!

  31. Edwin Merino dijo:

    Questa è la mia famiglia bianconera. Cordiali saluti da Quito-Ecuador

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