Ronaldo First Day at Juventus!

Ronaldo’s first day at Juventus.
After the transfer to Ronaldo Juventus, he went to Italy for the first time and greeted his supporters and passead health checks.

?Neovaii – Shouldve Started


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24 respuestas a Ronaldo First Day at Juventus!

  1. A bad move that probably had wasted Ronnie's days of peak performance….he could've won 3 more UCL trophy had he joined some good club or decided to stay onside of Blancos….like if you agree..

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  3. وداعا يا افضل لاعب بالتاريخ اسطورتي الدون رونالدو ?

  4. Rahma Najar dijo:

    هي. هيك. من. فلان؟!

  5. This is how??cristiano played for Juventus with his noodle hair⁉️

  6. Who is here after cr7 join Manchester united

  7. 巨大的 dijo:

    Первый день на заводе

  8. xSakalitulX dijo:

    It was like a dream that came true, thanks ronaldo!

  9. Theva Scp dijo:

    The main reason for Juventus to sign CR7 was "Champions League Trophy"

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  11. DWI PUTRY dijo:

    Cristiano Ronaldo is my Favorit…

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