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- Juventus-Aatalanta 0-4 | Destacados extendidos | Serie A 2024/25
- Juventus-Aatalanta 0-4 | Lo más destacado | La Dea Run Riot en Turín | Serie A 2024/25
Comentarios recientes
As a die-hard Manchester United fan, Man City's losses are my bread and butter. Their defeats are my daily yoga, my weekly spa day, my monthly raise, and my yearly vacation. Every time they flop, I sleep like a baby and wake up like a champion. Watching them choke feels like Christmas morning, except it happens way more often. Their downfall isn't just my therapy—it's my religion, my side hustle, and my love language. If Man City didn’t exist, football would be way less fun because who else would give us so much free entertainment?
Juve, storia di une amore, il bianco que abbracia il nero.
Gatti is tremendously underrated. He has it all to be the next Italian defending legend. Strength, athleticism, decent Pace, and very good with the ball at his feet. He's greatly improved since last year. But a lot of players regressed under Allegri.
bro recreated that goal when he was with ronaldo against athletico
"pREmiEr leAGuE iS tHe bEsT lEAgUe iN tHE WoRlD" riiiiiggghhht
They let an American score on them??
Oh thats embarrassing
How did they let a hamburger score against them

Football Gods beaty $hity rnb
Stay humble citi

Pep wants to be sacked before all the charges come down on city
No mahrez no party
Merci à DAZN de mettre les scores sur les videos, cela évite de toutes les voire.
my glorious juventus
Kenan will be something big in near future!
Hahahaha City fans were trying to leave the stadium early, and security denied them!

Bunch of plastic fans and an overrated coach!
pep wants to be sacked to cash the cheque hahahahahaha
stay humble eh
Complimenti a Di Gregorio. Di certo si è guadagnato il posto al posto di Vicario per gli Azzurri.
Haaland , the man of small matches
2 words…
Man City’s defence is looking like lockdown Arsenal
Another loss for man city
How the mighty have fallen… or are falling
Peps washed
I am truly shocked that Juve pulled this off. Perhaps it's not solely a reflection of Motta's style as it is the slump City is going through. As much as Italian supporters (of which I am one) were happy with the outcome, let's not get carried away. There was a residual of the typical cancer that is football today in Italy. There is absolutely NO place in football today for gifting your opposition HALF of the pitch!! The trademark "standing" at the half-way line WAITING for the opposition to regroup then come at you wave-after-wave is like playing the lottery! Motta is relatively knew at this job and he was a great player in his time but 2025 football is not played the way it is in Italy/Serie A where the whole platform is…."interesting". Gasperini is one of FEW managers that plays the game in Italy the way it should be today. His successes have come from restricted budgets and few marquis players, unlike the current world of purchased wins. He has left his mark both in Serie A and internationally with Atalanta! He SHOULD be Italy's national team manager but you know….he won't "play nice" with the current regime. Baroni shows promise too. I'd keep an eye on him/Lazio. He also gets it! Hard to believe that for MANY years Italy – a once dominant team on the international stage – have eroded to such an extent. When you dovetail in the fact that imports are choking out potentially up-and-coming home-grown players, it's shouldn't be a surprise that Italy is a welcome opponent today even for the emerging smaller demographic teams!! Which leads to their skeleton youth program. Why? Because you don't need to invest in Italian youth when you can hand-pick players from all over the world! I'm guessing there won't be an Italian team anywhere near winning the Champion's League, well…..maybe Atalanta. One can only hope Motta leaves behind his past stereo-type Serie A football and adopts a strategy based on young players that can run for 90+ minutes pressuring the opposition NO MATTER WHERE THE BALL IS!
Juve is improving
Yildiz and Vlahovič are a deadly duo
walker was definitely at fault at the first goal
Difficile en ce moment pour PEP
Can we talk about the atmosphere
I hope yall can see why Rodri was so important and deserves his ballndor he woulda came up with a goal atleast and when Rodri is on debrune gets more freedom
Love watching Man City play in Europe crying to refs that haven’t been paid off over in Saudi.
Not falling for any of their diving or crowding antics.
Always refreshing to watch after years of corruption in the PL.
Clubs got tired of waiting for the verdict of the 115 charges and decided to punish Manchester City by themselves
Man City is not top anymore
Yes. “Manchester Shitty” being humble
Man City’s downfall is more of a testament to how good Rodri is than Vini throwing his toys out of the pram
Finally Motta ball worked this game. Love the 2 short passes then thru ball in a triangle formation throughout the flanks. The needs to keep working on the routine.
Gatti the unsung hero!
Being humble is crucial
Well that’s the curse of ballon door robbery
tit for tat
That pass from KDB to Haaland @ 1:53 is INSANE!!!!
Walker makes little effort to get back to help for that second goal. He’s mentally switched off. Time to go. Poor representative as a captain also.
Finished Messi > Prime Halaand